15 signs you need to go on a diet

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  • [digg-me]15 signs you need to go on a diet

    Some people will be offended by this.. Hey people ! You should begin dieting !

    01. Your neck has a neck cushion so you can sleep wherever.


    02. You are judged even though you’re the judge.

    You are judged even though you’re the judge

    03. Your arm and back together looks like an ass.

    Your arm and back together looks like an ass

    04. Your drink only fits on the table once you’ve eaten enough.

    Your drink only fits on the table once you’ve eaten enough

    05. You weight more than a Kawasaki Ninja.

    You weight more than a Kawasaki Ninja


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    6 thoughts on “15 signs you need to go on a diet

    1. I can relate to this article as I know from first hand experience just how hard it is to lose weight, and to maintain it. I wrote a book called Alone in the Storm, which has recently been published, and it is about an overweight woman who subconsciously put on the weight to protect herself from being hurt by love. She struggles with her weight issues, and in the end she manages to overcome them, but not before she learns some important lessons about herself and life.

      Carla Cunningham, Published Book Author of Alone in the Storm
      The website for my book is – http://www.eloquentbooks.com/AloneInTheStorm.html, or if you’d like more information about my book you can email me at cmccunningham@msn.com

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